Home Made Workshop!
All welcome!
We have put together our very own Mixed Instrument workshop for this Saturday, 25th November, in Strachur Memorial Hall.
In keeping with communications earlier in the term, we want it to be fun and accessible to all, and it is designed so that folk can drop in and drop out as it suits them, or as time allows.
The suggested timetable is as follows:
10.30 Tea, coffee, some warm up tunes then we hope to learn a Gaelic waltz with harmony.
12.30 -1.30 lunch… bring your own!
1.30-2.30 Slow session. The more experienced players will assume responsibility to start tunes that everyone knows, and play them at a pace which allows everyone to join in and enjoy the pleasure of making music together
2.30 Finish the day with a faster session.
…..and all for the bargain price of a contribution towards the hire of the hall……£4.00 for the full day.
The timetable will be flexible and it would be good if everyone would come with a couple of tunes they would like to play or to be played.
More info admin@fiddleworkshop.co.uk
Happy Fiddling!