New Tunes Updated May 2016
Under the Downloads/Tutor Downloads/Sheet, I have added in a few tunes for your amusement. Far O’er Struy is a retreat march, The Battle of the Somme and Heights of Dargai are a set of 9/8 marches and there is the tune, The Rest and be Thankful, which Siobhan wrote for us when she was leaving last summer. Also added is the 6/8 march Lochiel’s Welcome to Glasgow. Latest addition is The Heroes of Longhope, Ronnie Aim’s lovely slow air commemorating the loss of the Longhope Lifeboat in March 1969.
I have also added an mp3 of my version of Far O’er Struy, played on mandolin, octave mandolin and guitar. Sorry, not a fiddle to be heard on this one! I’m just a learner!
The Sheiling Song, Sheilis and Mid Yell School Waltz now added (May 8th 2016). All have harmony parts written out along with melody. I have also uploaded midi files of each of the three which lets you listen to the two parts played together. Midi can be opened in Windows Media Player among other programs. The midi files can be accessed under the Sounds page of the Tutor Downloads