Amy Geddes Workshop

The Art of the Slow Air – comparing & contrasting an East & West Coast Air
Lochgoilhead Fiddle Workshop (Sunday 20th July) Strachur
At this workshop we will compare & contrast a Gaelic and East Coast Air. The tunes tackled will be melodically straightforward so less experienced players can participate. However, for the more advanced player there is a wealth of right & left hand skill that can augment & ornament the pieces. This will be covered in detail throughout the workshop & participants will be helped to decide how much to attempt of all that is on offer. Everyone will leave with a strong understanding of the difference in structure and approach between East & West and an appreciation of the beauty of both. Whether East or West is best will be up to each individual to decide! 
Venue Strachur Memorial Hall Sunday 20th July 11am – 4pm
Cost £25
Places are limited. Book now! Application forms here.